Saturday, April 12, 2008

Super Dad, Super Swaddler

We’ve watched our Happiest Baby on the Block video (thanks, Team Patel!) and we’re sold on swaddling. We even understand how to do it—conceptually.

But we’re both hands-on learners so we needed to practice. BS has lots of stuffed animals but they don’t have human-like arms and legs.

Thus, we ended up with Bart Simpson.

Frank was a natural. Watch him swaddle the other BS!

All you have to do, according to the video, is remember the acronym DUDU. It means “Down, Up, Down, Up.”

I guess since Frank has DUDU down, he’ll be in charge of swaddling. Does that mean I’m in charge of the other DUDU?


Liz said...

I see Mr. Duck in the background! Is Frank taking him over as a personal cuddle toy instead of waiting for BS?

Writinggal said...

We also tried swaddling Mr. Duck! He sleeps in the crib right now and sort of serves as BS's stand-in (or sleep-in).

Vela Family said...

They inevitably kick their way out of that swaddle. You have to order a Miracle Blanket!! Awesome - best purchase we made to get her to sleep longer at night.

Thea said...

How exactly did Bart end up bloody after Frank's swaddling session? BS cover be in danger....

Thea said...

1. 'Cover' should have been 'might'...not sure how I confused the two.

2. Enlarged the photo and realized blood is actually kiss marks. I'm now longer worried about BS. :)

Writinggal said...

Bart's shirt says something about cooties so it makes more sense when you see that!