Thursday, April 3, 2008

Baby got Back

With only three weeks to go we’re at the point where I can tell which body parts are doing the kicking and punching. Well, I can’t really distinguish between hands, feet, knees and elbows but one body part is very identifiable: the bootie.

BS loves to stick out its butt. It makes my stomach look all out of whack. One side is deflated and the other side has this round thing poking out.

When BS does this I like to say (in my high-pitched mommy voice):

“What’s that? Is that your little bootie?”

“Are you putting on a show?”

“Oh, der’s a wittle bootie. Oh, so cute. Whatcha trying to say?”

“Show daddy! Show daddy what you’re doing!” (BS, who is amazingly uncooperative for an unborn child, usually does the opposite.)

But when we get a big bootie show I like to sing Sir Mix a Lot’s “Baby got Back” with lyrics I wrote especially for BS:

I like big butts and I cannot lie
Those other babies can’t deny
When my baby dances around
All over the place
With a round thing in my face
I say, “Hey, baby, what’s going on?”

Okay, that’s all I got so far.

This might inspire a whole new career path for our child. And BS is a pretty cool rapper name.


Granny Jo said...

No surprise about the need to display the bootie. BS's Dad(my son) loved to moon out the car window and at the beach -- feeling frivolous and daring on family vacation trips. BS is getting some early, "in the safety of the womb" practice.
BS's Granny Jo

Writinggal said...

BS's dad STILL loves to do that! I have to say, "Not while you're driving." Just joking. I think.