Thursday, April 10, 2008

BS: “Who you callin’ little?”

Last Friday the docs said BS may be small. Not freaky small but just smaller than average. They can tell by taking a vertical measurement of my belly. I measured at 34 weeks instead of 37. My doctor said, “You’re small so it would be great if you had a small baby. But let’s get an ultrasound just to be sure.”

In the days after that I told BS, “See? Everyone was crazy for saying things to us like, ‘are you sure you’re not having twins?’ and ‘you’re not gonna make it until April!' You are actually quite petite."

I assured BS that it was okay to be little. It’s much for fun than being Amazonian tall. Or really fat. “You’re just a wittle baby…a wittle baby who’s going to make labor easy for mommy…thanks for being so itty bitty,” I told BS.

Well, BS struck back.

By Monday I had gained FOUR more pounds. That’s in one weekend. And when they estimated BS’s weight on the ultrasound, he/she weighed 7.2 pounds. And I still had three weeks to go!

I asked the doctor, “This baby seems to be getting big, is there a chance you would induce me early?”

“No,” he said. “You’re a little lady. But I’ve seen some big babies come out of some little ladies.” He then went on to tell me a tale of a 12.5 pounder he once delivered. And I’m not talking about a C-section.


Here is a picture of our potentially gargantuan baby. The top is BS spazzing out as usual. And the bottom one shows a giant eye but they assured us it's just the "eye orbit" and that these non 3-D ultrasounds don't pick up eye balls.
BS does not think this picture is flattering and asked that I not post it. But hey, it’s the only one we’ve got! I just hope he/she doesn’t punish me by gaining more weight.

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