Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Give this kid a job!



All day yesterday Leo’s major complaint was, “I need a job!” Sometimes he would just say it matter-of-fact but other times (lots of times) he would erupt into an epic melt down. He’d cry and scream and just say over and over, “I need a job!”

I kept asking, “What kind of job?” but I couldn’t get a straight answer. So later, when he was just sitting in the car calmly, I asked, “What do you mean when you say you want a job? Do you mean like you want to be like daddy and make chips?”


“Do you want to water the plants?”


“Do you want to be an astronaut?”


“Do you want to sweep the floor?”


Okay, so we were making progress. Leo was looking for chores to do, rather than a career.  Well, that is NO problem! I’m thinking of creating a whole chore chart and saying he can get stickers when he does them.  If he gets really good at it, I may even let you hire him from me!


Liz said...

Leo is the awesomest dude ever. E-VER.

Writinggal said...

He's not a bad floor sweeper either. Just don't let him handle the dust pan!

Kristin said...

Oh I can think of lots of jobs for you when you visit Leo!
You'd be the cutest helper!

Granny Jo said...

Great photo! Now put that boy to work!

Writinggal said...

I'm already working on his résumé!