Wednesday, June 16, 2010

“I am a baby!”


Ever since Leo met Baby Ryan (pictured above, born on May 27th to our friends, Chantal and Dave), he keeps pretending to be a baby. “I am a baby!” he says all day long. He likes to crawl around like a baby, cry like a baby and say things like, “Baby needs diaper change” and “Baby wants to hear the choo choo train song.”

Today I told him he needed to wipe his table (he has a few chores now!) and he said, “No, baby not going to wipe table.” I said, “That’s true. Babies don’t wipe tables but big boys do.” Then I told him all the other things big boys get to do—watch Dinosaur Train, play in their water table, go swimming, run, play with trains and Leo said, “Big boys wipe tables!” So he did wipe the table and immediately said, “I CAN watch Dinosaur Train!” which is what he always says after he does his chore.

But even after my motivational speech, he still corrects me when I call him a big boy. “No,I am a baby!”


Granny Jo said...

Leo's strategy is to have it both ways -- smart guy!

Kristin said...

Yes, I think you are right Granny Jo!
Like the band-aid Leo!

Oh and Baby Ryan is just a smushy ball of cuteness!