Friday, March 8, 2013

Night night, Le-lo

Gus is into night night books. He calls Goodnight Moon  "Night night, Moon" and he calls Goodnight Train "Night night, choo choo." When he says night night to the rest of us it's so cute. He doesn't have the intonation down right so it comes out sounding funny but adorable. He loves to say night night to Leo ("Le-lo.") Leo is usually too busy to respond though. Here, I captured a cute bedtime pic (thanks for the pirate pjs, grandmother!) and a video. 


GR said...

Night, Night Gus and Le-Lo. You are the cutest pirates I have ever seen. love, GM

Liz said...

Oh my goodness! That little deep voice!!! SO precious. And those PJs are awesome.

Granny Jo said...

Gus is so sweet & cute! Can't wait to see both Le-Lo & Gus and the joy of night night time.