Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gus has been here six months

We cannot believe our baby has been here for half of a year! People keep telling me that they feel like it's flown by and I feel that way too. I'm trying to really cherish every moment with Gus. It's easy to do because he is such a good-natured guy. I also feel like this last month has brought the most change in Gus. Since he's older and more wakeful, we're getting to know him better. It used to be that he slept most of the time and when he was awake he was happy and cute. But now he's awake more of the time and well, he's still happy and cute. Sure, the kid cries but he gets over everything really quickly.

Here's what Gus does lately:

--Rolls everywhere! He could get across the entire house by rolling. If we turn our heads for a second he's across the room. I'll put him down on the floor in our room while I'm getting ready and the next thing I know, he's almost under the bed!

--Babbles and squeals: I think he will be an early talker like his big brother.

--Sports two bottom teeth.

--Eats sweet potatoes, rice cereal and as of last night, broccoli. I actually gave him broccoli to pick up. I would have never done that with Leo. But there was Gus on the eve of his six month birthday, picking up broccoli.

--Loves peek-a-boo. This is a sure-fire way to get him to laugh. Either that, or zerberting his cheek. He's an easy audience.

--Eating our faces. If you hold him close he will come at you with a wide open mouth, ready to devour you. We love it!

--His big brother. Now that Gus spends time in the exersaucer, he is at a level where Leo can interact with him. Gus loves it when Leo talks to him, sings to him and even wrestles with him. He laughs and laughs and just loves to watch Leo.

More pics of Gus, the BBE!! Notice his shirt says "Chillin'." So appropriate for our laid-back Gussy.


Kristin said...

Happy 1/2 first birthday sweet August Frank! Look forward to seeing you and Leo soon! Love, Tia Kristin

Granny Jo said...

those have to be the cutest pics! Gus is quite a charmer.