Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gus has been here ONE month


Here is the first of Gus’ monthly blogs--you know, like I did with Leo. I’ll post a picture of him in the green chair and talk about what he’s into. This one should be easy:








Well, maybe there are a few more things we’ve learned about Gus:

--He’s so cuddly.  He loves to be held and he’ll put his arms around our necks. His favorite way to be held is in the “burping” position, up on a shoulder.

--He doesn’t really care for sitting in things like the swing or the bouncy chair. I mean, he’ll sit there but he rarely falls asleep and he only lasts a few minutes.

--Jury’s still out on the pacifier. Sometimes he likes it but I don’t think he’s a true paci kid.

--He’s very consistent. He eats every three hours during the day and can now go longer at night (yea!) The last few nights he’s gone five hours in between feedings.

--He’s quite content. Sure, he gets upset when he’s hungry or tired but he’s yet to just cry at length for no reason. It’s usually easy to figure out what he wants. (Or maybe we’re just brilliant parents).

--He’s so stinkin’ cute!! And he’s getting rolls which makes him even cuter.

Everybody wants to know how Leo is doing with him. Leo doesn’t seem jealous but he is a little bit aggressive. He likes to get up in Gus’ face and say, “Baby Baby” while pulling on his arms or poking his cheeks. He also wants to check on him all the time. Oh, and he’s not as helpful as I thought he would be. If I drop a burp cloth and ask him to pick it up, he refuses. And everybody told me a three-year-old should be able to “grab a diaper.” Not happening.


Leo does let Gus hang out on his big boy bed:





And here’s Gus hanging out with his best pal, Pascal





Soon after these photos were taken, Pascal tried to eat Gus. Luckily, Gus is a forgiving guy.


dad simcik said...

In the last pictures I can really begin to see Leo., Popsey

dad simcik said...

Finally able to make comments. Love the pictures looking forward to see Ellie this weekend. Love to Gus and Leo Popsey

Liz said...

What a doll! I love the pictures of both of them in the Boppy. Those are precious. He just LOOKS cuddly.

Kristin said...

Happy 1 month Gus! You ARE a cuddle muffin! You have grown just in the last week since I saw you. Love, Tia K