Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Curious Leo

Leo’s friend John has been curious for awhile. This was a funny exchange I had with him a few weeks ago at his house:


John, pointing to the scar on my forehead, “Do you have a boo boo?”

Me: “Yes.”

John: “Where is your Band-aid?”

Me: “Well, I did have a Band-aid but I don’t need it anymore.”

John: “Where is your Band-aid?”

Me: “It’s not bleeding so I don’t need a Band-aid.”

John: “Where is your Band-aid?”

Me: “Oh, you really want to know where it is! It’s in the trash can.”

John: “Where is the trash can?”

Me: “At my house.”

John: “Where is your house?”

Me: “Right down the street.”

John: “Where?”

Me: “If you look out the window, it’s that way.”

John: “I don’t see your house.”


The whole thing was funny and also made me realize that Leo isn’t really all that curious. He would have just accepted my first answer about not needing a Band-aid. Leo overheard me telling the story a few days later and I guess felt inadequate about his own lack of curiosity because ever since, he tries to re-enact the exchange I had with John.


Leo: “Mommy, where is your Band-aid?”

Me: “In the trash can.”

Leo, giggling: “Where is your house?!”


But then, a couple of weeks ago, Leo started asking questions on his own. Now he’s like an interrogator.


Leo: “I want to eat eggs!”

Me: “We’re all out of eggs.”

Leo: “Why?”

Me: “We ate them all.”

Leo: “Why?”

Me: “Well, we were hungry and we ate the eggs so I’m going to go to the store to buy more today.”

Leo: “Why are you going to the store?”

Me: “Because we’re out of food.”

Leo: “Why are we out of food?”

Then I found myself going into this whole monologue about how we buy food, eat it and then go buy some more. It was quite fascinating!


Leo also repeats the the last part of everything we say in the form of a question.

“Leo, we’re going to church.”

“We’re going to church?”

“Leo, please don’t take off your diaper and pee pee on the floor.”

“Don’t take off your diaper and pee pee on the floor?”

Sometimes his questions are more vague like, “It isn’t?” “We’re not?” and “We shouldn’t?”

But the point is, he now ends a lot of sentences with question marks. He ends a lot of sentences with question marks?


I don’t have any pictures to illustrate this story so I’ll just leave you with a few snow week ones:


Leo with his hat hair:



John, Etienne and Leo eating pizza on a snowy night


Leo and Frank n the snow



GR said...

Why did you eat all of Leo's eggs?

Aimee said...

"it's in the trash can." "where is your house?" hahaha!

Granny Jo said...

I think Leo may grow up to be a psychotherapist like his Popsy....reflecting back with a question whatever you say!!! And get paid for it!!! (Sorry, Popsy -- I couldn't resist.)

Claire said...

I don't know about you but I run out of answers about the 15th 'why' and it is exhausting ;) But at least our boys will be smart.

Kristin said...

When I was little the Rah Rahs bought a book for me called "Tell Me Why". I loved it, it answered all kinds of weird questions.
Might not help with "why all the eggs are gone?" :-)