Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fill 'Er Up

Granny Jo asked me the other day if Leo still liked to play in the car she and Popsy gave him for his 1st birthday. Boy, does he! I told her that everytime we go in the garage, he gets in his car. He can open the door, climb in and drive away (except he still has trouble going forward).

He likes to turn the keys and say "KEY!" and honk the horn and say "BEEP!" He noticed the other day that the car has "EYES!"

But when it comes to putting gas in the car, well, he's a little confused:


Claire said...

Leo's car runs on "grass" and John's car runs on "cracks". At least "grass" sounds like "gas" :)

dad simcik said...

yes--- i think i finally figuered out how to make a comment to the blog--- so frustrating to want to say something and not able to pass the security test--- here goes--- love the grass gas-- Love Popsy

dad simcik said...

yessss -- i finally have made it to the 21st century of technology and my blog comment came through--- so smart Popsy--- my kids and gradkids will be proud!!!!

GR said...

Now that Leo has found a cheap, alternative fuel, th oil companies will try to buy him out and bury the formula.

Granny Jo said...

Hooray for Leo for being Earth Friendly. If he drives his car alot and uses lots of grass gas, his Daddy won't have to mow the lawn -- saving more gasoline and giving his Daddy more time to play!