Here’s what else Leo is into:
He just finished up his first session of music class. Whenever we even say the word “music class” he sings, “Bah bah bah.”
And speaking of music, he insists on listening to his “Leo music” in the car. All the time. Wherever we go.
He’s always loved Twinkle Twinkle but now that Granny Jo taught him the hand motions to go with it, he has a renewed love for this classic tune. He puts his hands up and does “twinkling” motions when we sing it and also makes a little diamond with his fingers.
He’s not just musically inclined, though. He also likes other finer things like literature. He’s really into “Pat the Bunny” although he calls it, “Paul.” His favorite part is when Judy plays peek-a-boo with Paul. Leo says, “Hi, P-P-Paul.”
In fact, “Hi” is his favorite expression. You’ll hear him say it on the video below. He especially likes to hide behind you and when you turn around he says, “HI!!”
He’s still chatting away and adding words all the time. Some new faves are: Rah Rah (for Grandmother and Grandpa Ron), “Guh guh” (for Granny Jo), “Ot-sey” (for Popsy) and Dah-son (for Dawson). He’s really into saying names lately. A few other regular words are “Baby” (he sounds French; you’ll hear it in the video), “Yeah,” “Slide,” “Truck,” “Flower,” and “Book.” Unfortunately, I think his favorite word is “No,” most especially, “No-no-no-no.” He answers any question with “no” including, “Do you want to go to Disney World?”
He knows lots of body parts but his favorite is his belly button. And our belly buttons.
If we’re in a room with a few people he can point at everyone by name. For instance, we’ll say, “Where is Mary?” and he points at the right person (even if he just met them)! Sometimes we think it’s just process of elimination like if we’re in a room with mama, dada, Granny Jo and someone else he’s like, “Duh, of course that must be Mary. I know everyone else’s names.”
He’s still super social and will go up to everyone, even workers who come to the house.
He likes to hug and kiss—people and his stuffed animals (as you’ll see in the pictures).
He’s still wild about balls. He throws them really well.
We like to ask him, “Leo, what’s on your shirt?” and he pulls out his shirt, looks down and says some random word—usually “car.” He’s often right since lots of little boy clothes have cars on them.
If you’ve had enough bragging, here’s a complaint: He’s a picky eater! He doesn’t like much right now but I’m hoping it’s a phase. The only things he’s excited about are yogurt and milk and sometimes cheese. I think he’s a dairy guy like mommy.
And this whole “feeding himself” thing is a big mess.
He may not be into food but he loves getting into the kitchen cabinets. He pretty much just tears the kitchen apart on a daily basis.
Oh, I have so much more to say but maybe I’ll save them for future blogs.
Happy 15 months, Leo!!