Thursday, April 30, 2009

Leo’s been here ONE YEAR!

One year ago today Leo showed up and our lives were filled with happiness, tears, anxiety and excitement. All of that is pretty much the same!

These days Leo is busy trying lots of things.

Currently he’s trying to:

--Stand up. We say “Show me how you stand up” and he wobbles his way up.

--Talk. He can almost say lion, hat, knock knock, bye bye, banana, ball and uh-oh which sound like ion, ha, dok dok, dye dye, ana, da and uh-uh respectively.

--Get some teeth and hair. He has lots of hair in the back but not much on top (preparing for a mullet I guess?), two teeth on the bottom and one sprouting on top

--Hold his own sippy cup and set it down on his tray. When he does this we say, “Yeah, Leo!” When he throws his sippy cup we say “No, no” and shake our heads. So now he throws his sippy cup and shakes his head.

And these are things he’s mastered:

--Throwing, bouncing and eating his favorite ball.

--Licking things: windows, toys, faces

--Clapping: Just say “yeah!” and you’ll get a round of applause from Leo

--Baby sign language: milk, more, eat, lunch, dinner, breakfast (okay, all the meals plus eat are the same sign) and all done. We’re working on please and thank-you.

--Splashing in the tub

--Saying bye-bye (or “dye-dye”) at appropriate times: when we get in the car or his stroller.

His favorite foods:


His favorite trick with his food:
--Throwing it on the floor

His favorite trick with his milk:

--Letting it roll down his chin.

Things that make him laugh:

--When Granny Jo says “God Bless You”
--When Mommy says “I gotta go, see you later” walks away and comes right back saying, “I didn’t go anywhere! I’m right here!”
--Peek a boo. He’s still a sucker for it. But now he likes to do the peeking.

Our favorite thing about him:

Cutest, sweetest, smartest baby ever (in our unbiased opinion).

Happy Birthday, Leo James Simcik!


Kristin said...

Happy Birthday Adorable Nephew! I cannot wait to see you tomorrow and give you a big birthday HUG!!
Love, Tia K:-)

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Big Boy! It's great to read about your love and adoration for your darling son.