Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Six Weeks Report Card

I don't know how the kids do it now but in my day we were graded every six weeks. Since Leo has been alive that long, I thought I'd give him his first report card:

Physical Appearance: A+ (obvious reasons)
Weight Gain: A+ (Not sure how much he weighs but he's got a few more chins)
Crying: B- (Doesn't cry for extended periods but is pretty loud)
Eating: A+ (he loves his milk)
Spitting up: D (his weakest subject)
Sleeping: B+ (sleeps through the night sometimes but not so good at napping during the day)
Pooping and Peeing: B (the amount is worthy of an A but he gets points off for leaking on mommy)

Manipulating mommy and daddy into getting anything he wants: A+


Granny Jo said...

One more subject area for your report card:
Grandparent Relations: A+
(Grandmother, Grandpa Ron, Granny Jo & Popsy absolutely adore him!)

And if Leo were to give his parents a 6-weeks report card, how would you rate?

Writinggal said...

Hmmm...he would probably say a B. We sure try hard but since right now he's probably spitting up on himself in his crib and I'm typing on my blog, he may not be very impressed.

Liz said...

lol. i love granny jo and leo and elsa. muffins.

Kristin said...

I give Leo an A+++ as a nephew, cause he's the cutest baby ever!!

I would have to give him a higher grade on spitting up because he IS really good at it!

Tia K