Now that Leo can drink through a straw (he was a late straw-sucker), I thought we could try smoothies. This, I decided, would be a great way to sneak in some vegetables. I mean, even if you don’t like to eat carrots, you’ll drink them when mixed with sugar and milk, right? We didn’t start with veggies though. I did your traditional fruit-based smoothie. I got Leo all involved too. He loved helping me make “mooeys.”
Here we are, getting ready for our little project. By the way, the apron…cute or cruel?
Leo’s reaction to the blender:
Enjoying our fruity drinks—a blend of frozen berries, milk and Yo Baby. He took a few sips but the novelty wore off fast. He quickly pushed it away, saying, “Mama, please take.”
One thing he didn’t want me to take? The apron! Guess that’s a keeper. Sorry, Daddy!